On February 2, 2010, Sharon was diagnosed with autoimmune hepatitis. After weeks of treatment, there was no improvement and the words "liver transplant" became part of the discussions. The unthinkable became our reality and a liver transplant was the only option. We wondered, even questioned what God's plan was in this, but our prayer was that no matter the outcome, it would be ALL for God's glory.

The purpose of this blog is to record the journey...to recount God's faithfulness through trial and pain. A cry for mercy and healing for Sharon. A place where friends and family can come to get updates and specific prayer requests. Please feel free to comment and encourage our hearts.

Floating on God's Grace in the Sea of Mercy

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Psalm 23:4 (Beginning)

"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,I will fear no evil, for You are with me"

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sunday morning around 10:00am, Sharon was able to call Lou from the hospital to tell him that an acceptable liver was available. The operation would take place at 1:00pm. Praise God, their oldest daughter, Susan, had just arrived the night before from Dallas, so she was able to comfort Lou during the surgery. Sharon's mindset was full of faith and peace. She jokingly asked the doctors if they got enough sleep the night before.

The surgery was to take 6-10 hours, so we began the difficult process of waiting. Four and a half hours into surgery, the doctors assured us that the liver was in and all was going well. But, an hour and a half later, the doctor came down to tell us that things had not gone as well as hoped. The liver was not functioning and they immediately stopped the operation. The doctor gave us three scenarios. The first, the liver would start functioning on its own. Second, another transplant would be necessary. Or our worst fear, we would lose her.

Once again, we had to leave it in God's hands, where it always had been.

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